Who else but me finds this whole steroid thing in Major League Baseball absolutely hilarious?
I mean, come on already. Alex Sanchez? Ryan Franklin? Felix Heredia? Matt Lawton? And now, most recently, this bum--Jason Grimsley.
Have I missed out on the actual controversy here? What are these steroids even doing for these players? Honestly, we are talking about some of the most pathetic names in all of the game. Yet, while a whole host of trumped up Giants (both figuratively and literally) round the bases in the majors unscathed.
Jason Giambi, steroids? No way. You're probably thinking of his brother Jer emy. Sheffield, Public Enemy Number 1 Bonds, and a whole host of other likely offenders haven't been "caught" yet.
What exactly is the point here? What is the government or the MLB, for that matter, trying to prove? How stupid do they think the viewing public actually is. Am I supposed to be appeased by the suspension of a guy in Alex Sanchez who, not only weighs about 120 lbs, but was on his way out of the league as it was (due to a lack of talent or any real ability other than speed).
Sure, they got Rafael Palmeiro, and that was great, trust me. I loved seeing him get his, and now, sure enough, you don't hear anything from Mr. Palmiero. A decade ago, guys like Raffy or Sammy Sosa wouldn't have simply faded from the public eye when they still could play for major league teams. Granted, neither would be that good, but still, you're telling me that if the steroid clout didn't exist, both of those players wouldn't be on a MLB roster? I doubt it.
Here's the problem: It seems as if the whole thing is a ridiculous conspiracy. The league has decided to "crack down" on "steroid users". The quotes need to be taken away, permanently. First of all, Selig isn't cracking down on anyone. I dont even know what the current policy stands at, but until the first time you get caught results in a complete ban from the game, I won't be satisfied. I'm not sure how long it takes to get that shit out of your system, but you give the players that much time until you test everyone. That way, if they are on it now, they have a chance to get it off (one FINAL chance) and then after that, if they get caught again, they're out. Why should they get a chance when they think they are bigger than the game? They aren't, and there certainly will be other great sluggers after Jason Giambi or Gary Sheffield.
Also, I'd like to see the league go after a real slugger in his prime. Please, please catch someone that people actually care about. Raffy was nice, but he was on his way out as it was. Get someone like a Sheffield or a Giambi or anyone that still has a career beyond this season.
MLB--you want me to give credibility to your efforts to crack down on steroids? Try catching someone other than Rafael Betancourt.
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