Does he? Does he really? How great could Seth McClung's stuff possibly be? Let's go no further than the man himself. Seth?
"You look at my stuff, it's good," McClung said. "I know it's good. I just have to learn how to harness it."
Ah, ok. There it is. A player with an era near 7 that was just optioned down to the minor leagues finds his stuff to be top flight, so what else would it be.
Let's see, for a varying opinion, what the Baltimore Orioles think of his stuff. We asked the question to string bean second basemen Brandon Fahey. He had this to say:
"Wait, is who's stuff good? Scott McClean? I don't know about him, you might want to ask someone else, I've only been up for a little while," Fahey quizzically answered. We reminded him who we were talking about. "Oh, him. Oh, there's nothing to really talk about. He's got about as much stuff as Chinese immigrant."(Ed. note: Blogger notes here that A) Fahey has never actually faced McClung and B)we do not condone his possibly racist remarks. We are currently interviewing members of the Pacific Rim to find out if this statement is truly offensive.)
David Ortiz, the biggest papi of them all, should know. He's hit McClung only 3 times, but all 3 times those balls wound up being souveniers. He was unavailable for comment.
At any rate, the plan in Tampa is to send Seth down to Durham where he can work on becoming a closer. Now if this doesn't make sense to you, please, raise your hand. It's ok, if I'm not in the room, I trust you're doing it.
The closer's position is one of the few that really can't be prepared for unless its the real thing. Great relievers, great starters alike haven't been able to become great, or even worthile closers, because they couldn't handle the added pressure and added necessity of effectiveness.
So where, pray tell, does a man who is neither a great reliever, a great starter, or, truth be told, even a major league worthy player in an honest world, fit in as a closer?
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