You've heard of Who's Next?, ESPN's most recent attempt to cover the simple, yet elusive concept that they have nothing new to report.
Well, in light of all of the recent garbage that has come out of every element of the sporting world, the new segment should be called What's Next?
Michael Vick's dogfighting, NBA referee gambling scandals, steroids in baseball, doping in cycling, etc.
Honestly, it does beg the question, what could possibly come next? One might have thought that simply attacking the lives of others either via drunken driving (Leonard Little, Bengals) or automatic weapons (Ray Lewis, potentially Tank Johnson) was simply enough for NFL players. While no one will accuse the dogfighting issue of being anything other than a Michael Vick issue, its fitting that it happens to be a player in the National Football League.
The NBA betting/referee scandal truly comes out of left field. That's not to say people never suspected this sort of thing of going on. Rather, it's to suggest that of all the problems that sports have, most don't truly compromise the integrity of the entire game. Donaghy's situation could clearly ruin a game that already has seen its support diminish.
The steroid cloud in the majors is nothing new, but then again, neither are the doping discoveries from the Tour de France. But, then again, why on Earth does anyone care what goes on in the Tour. If there isn't an American heavily involved and Lance Armstrong isn't cycling, who cares? Not to mention, ever year, every stage, guys are being DQ'd for the same charges. Could you imagine if every other week, a new player in the majors was being suspended for steroids?
There really is no defending the actions of Michael Vick, or at least what he is alleged to have done. The fighting, wetting and electrocuting. In truth, if anyone should be hosed down and electroshocked it should be the upper management of the Falcons for drafting wide recieving clowns like Roddy White and Michael Jenkins. Or, Vick himself when he constantly over throws said recievers or flips off fans.
Like I've said, there's no question these recent stories have shocked the sports world, but, where does it go next? It truly seems like something ESPN could really sink themselves into. Same format as Who's Next?, just with a criminalisitic twist.
Our pal Stu Scott leads a discussion panel of assorted ESPN "analysts" to review which athletes will commit which atrocities next....
"Alright y'all, it's time for your predictions."
"I'm gonna go with Daniel Cabrera. He's betting on baseball, but not on MLB games, on Long Island Ducks games. But y'all, that ain't all. Dude's pushing weight to immigrants."
"Thanks, Keyshawn."
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